Happiness, Wonder and Surprise
Challenge Globally - As "Powder" Specialists and "Cosmetic Raw Material" Experts
Yoshinori WAKI, President
DAITO KASEI was established in 1950 in Osaka as a color manufacturer. We have since expanded our activities globally and become specialists in powder products and experts in cosmetics ingredients.
Thanks to the support of our customers and the hard work of our predecessors, we celebrated DAITO KASEI’s 70th anniversary in February 2020. Times have change, but so has our business. Adapting ourselves to the everchanging demands and trends is undoubtedly what allowed us to stand the test of time. We intend to keep this successful recipe in order to supply the best powders and cosmetic ingredients to customers all over the world.
Our Philosophy
In today’s corporate climate, a company’s integrity is of utmost importance to maintain productive relationships. Modesty helps us to listen to our customers rather than dictate to them. And determination keeps us moving forward in our quest for innovation.
Our motto
Not the biggest, just the best - we believe our success as a company is measured not by our revenue but by the satisfaction of our customers and the values we promote.
Our mission
Our mission is identifying and filling our customers’ needs. Being attentive to our customers' projects, being knowledgeable of the parameters and proposing the best solutions is what makes our work worth doing. Needs work
Our Corporate Spirit
We aim at 3S: speed, simplicity and smiles. In our globalized world, information is everywhere and it is needed fast and clear. Our solution is to support our customers with speed and efficiently by maintaining a flexible, simple organization always on the ready. And our professionalism always comes with a smile.