Studying SACRAN helps preserve water resources
CHARCOPOWDER is a powder for cosmetic use that contains only Kishū Binchō-tan, traditional Japanese charcoal. This charcoal is made from wild ubame oak that grows in the woodland of Minabe town in Wakayama prefecture and is used as a cosmetic ingredient under the brand name of CHARCOPOWDER.
In 2015, the “Minabe-Tanabe Ume System” agricultural method was registered at the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), an initiative of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. It made possible sustainable agriculture.
Charcoal craftsmen make the best of both Wakayama charcoal production technologies - designated as Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan - and traditional wood logging that preserve the ubame oak population. It is their steady efforts that have helped preserve Wakayama woodlands.
To protect the village woodlands of Wakayama, we established “DAITO KASEI – Forest of Smiles” on a parcel of private forest on December 14, 2017, under “Kigyō no Mori” certification.
For ten years, we will maintain an area of 2.53ha (30,000 square yards) by planting trees and trimming undergrowth. Our actions will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the protection of the forest.
Also, throughout this project, DAITO KASEI’s employees will have many opportunities to spend time with the locals and learn their traditional craftsmanship and culture. As such, we hope to contribute to the protection of the beautiful nature in Wakayama prefecture.